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Even as a medium-sized logistics company, Alpensped is in a position to successfully implement the issue of sustainability at an operational level. Climate and environmental protection take centre stage. After all, it is high time for logistics companies to calculate their carbon footprint and reduce it.

Our strategy for optimising our carbon footprint is to first and foremost reduce emissions and, if reduction is not possible, to offset them. This is how sustainable logistics works.

For this reason, Alpensped has launched the climate-friendly transport project, in which half of the CO₂ compensation for a transport is covered by our clients and half by us.

Our sustainability report

Alpensped has regularly published a sustainability report in accordance with the German Sustainability Code (DNK) since 2012. The report shows how important sustainability is to our company and that climate protection is a particularly important area of action for us.

We see sustainable reporting as an opportunity. It creates transparency and enables us to review the goals we have set ourselves. At the same time, we also want to be a role model for our employees and other companies.

In addition to the various approaches to climate protection, we report on economic development, digital transformation and our social and charitable commitment.

B.A.U.M. e.V. membership

The Federal German Working Group for Environmentally Conscious Management Association (B.A.U.M. e.V.) is committed to a future worth living through sustainable management within planetary boundaries. Founded in 1984, the association has almost 800 members and is the largest corporate network for sustainable management in Europe.

The aim of B.A.U.M. is to raise awareness and support companies, local authorities and organisations for preventive environmental protection and the vision of sustainable management.

B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH has been supporting and advising Alpensped on all issues relating to operational environmental protection and sustainable development since 2017.

In 2020, Christian Faggin was honoured with the B.A.U.M. Environmental and Sustainability Award. Not without reason: his entrepreneurial thinking and actions have been characterised by his commitment to environmental and climate protection as well as social commitment for more than two decades.

Guided by these principles, Alpensped works consistently every day according to the sustainable N3 philosophy. N3 stands for economy, ecology and social affairs. As a sustainable company, we consciously place these three dimensions at the centre of our actions.

N3 philosophy: economical

Over the past 30 years, we have developed from a small transport company into a medium-sized, specialised logistics service provider with process-oriented transport handling. Today, our business partners include over 150 customers and more than 30 contracted carriers.

However, growth at any price was and is not an option for Alpensped. Our goal has always been healthy economic development. That is why we ensure sustainable management, taking into account our N3 concept. But how can new countries, markets and customers be developed in the interests of sustainability? Our answer is: organic growth, a healthy mix of sectors, customer focus, customised IT and certified quality management.

For us, a sustainable economy also includes long-term relationships with our carriers. Because if you have strong partnerships, you can realise your goals. All of this creates the basis for sustainable economic development at Alpensped.

N3 philosophy: ecological

Alpensped is a pioneer in the field of “green logistics”. This is evidenced not only by our certified environmental management according to ISO standard 14001:2015 and our climate-neutral administration. We were also one of the first logistics service providers to have our Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF) for the entire company certified according to ISO 14064:2012. Likewise, our Transport Carbon Footprint (TCF) is certified according to DIN EN 16258:2013. Since 2012, we have shown the specific TCF for each consignment carried out on all individual and collective invoices.

With our sustainability initiative climate-neutral transports, we offer all customers the opportunity to offset with us – 50/50 – and thus transport climate-neutrally.

In addition to complying with legal environmental regulations, we are committed to the sustainable use of resources and communicate this in our “green path”. In this way, we promote sustainable thinking and action among our employees and encourage them to behave in an environmentally-oriented manner. In July 2013, we put a photovoltaic system into operation on the roof of our company building, which covers about 60 percent of our own annual electricity demand.

We continue to pursue our goal of climate neutrality. Therefore, we have defined the following fields of action on the way to climate-neutral logistics: analyse – reduce – compensate.

N3 philosophy: social

For us, social commitment is not an optional extra, but a duty. Whether it’s local commitment, financial support for (inter)national aid projects or an employee-oriented personnel policy – social responsibility for employees and society has always been an indispensable core element of our corporate philosophy.

We specifically focus on our employees as the most important pillar of the company. We encourage and involve them in the best possible way and rely on a cooperative management style. We also offer our employees training courses and workshops, incentives and a healthy work-life balance. Diversity and equal opportunities are a given.

Our broad charitable commitment also has a firm place in our corporate culture. And this goes beyond just financial support for organisations. For our voluntary social commitment, Alpensped was awarded the Lea SME Prize for Social Responsibility in 2017.

A matter close to our hearts since 2020 has been our support of the foundation Stiftung Chancen für Kinder. In addition to financial support, we have put together a volunteer team that supports the foundation in matters of fundraising, marketing and IT. Our managing director is also the deputy chairman of the foundation.

In addition, we are involved with Doctors without Borders, the Mannheimer Tafel, Anpfiff ins Leben e.V. and several other aid organisations.



NHB 2018-2020


NHB 2015-2017


NHB 2013-2014


NHB 2012


NHB 2011
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